Providing a Thorough, Non-intrusive, Visual Inspection of Your Home, From Roof to Foundation

Providing a Thorough, Non-intrusive, Visual Inspection of Your Home, From Roof to Foundation
Certified Home Inspectors
in Maryland & Delaware

Be sure to choose an experienced ASHI home inspector.
Anyone else is just looking around!
Tri-State Home Inspections, Inc., with over 10,000 inspections completed since 1998.
Delaware Home Inspection License # H4-0000005, Maryland Home Inspection License # 29649.
Thank you for your personal interest in Tri-State Home Inspections. If it's a professional Certified Home Inspector you are seeking, you've come to the right place.
When making a financial commitment to purchasing or selling your home, your best judgment is to rely on the analysis of a skilled professional Home Inspector. We can afford you the expert opinion that you're seeking. We have the trained eye and experience needed to look for visual signs of defects within any home. We are also committed to providing you with the highest level of professional service in the home inspection industry.